Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Yes we've got some games in too, not easy to do when the weather is so nice out and your pool is calling. But it made a nice change for Lumpy and us parents, just need to remember that games played near bedtime might lead to tears if one looses!!

Lumpy's Summer Book Tally

Ooppps been gone over a month!! No excuse except enjoy the summer break and been busy. Lumpy has done great keeping up with his reading, no summer slide here! Not always easy and mucho bribing sometimes but once he gets going he does wonderful. I am dead proud of him and can alrready see a big improvement in his reading skills.

So above is a picture of the books he has read since school broke up on the 2nd June, 33 books total but not all in the photo due to library, friends and the 'bookshop reading while Mum drinks a coffee" ones. And we still have 2 1/2 weeks left.

And here is his collection of books he has read since the beginning of 2006. It gives him a great incentive when he finishes a book to see add it here and see his library of 'read' books grow.

And here is the collection of books that I have read aloud to him during the summer break.

And this is the books I have got to read during my summer break!! I have enjoyed each one enormously and have many more to go as I have been picking up lots at the bookshops and paperbackswap the past couple of months.

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